MyECO Official

@myeco 25 Follower - 10 Follow - 475 Posts

My English Classes Online (MyECO) brings a very different approach to language learning online. You will learn English with us because you will find everything

MyECO Official
wrote in music Education.

Foreign language learners in Turkey face several challenges, particularly in the realm of learning English as a Second Language (ESL). What are they? Let's have a look.

Intermediate B1-B2 orta seviye İNGİLİZCE Okuma metinlerinin detaylı analizi ile GRAMER, KELİME, TELAFFUZ becerileriniz gelişir. Kursumuzu %90'lara varan indirimle satın alabilirsin.
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Intermediate B1-B2 level ENGLISH: Improve your grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation skills with a detailed analysis of reading texts. You can buy this course with a discount of up to 90%. Important Notice: You will purchase this course on the website and follow your courses on

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A1-A2 Elementary Temel Seviyede tüm İngilizce konu anlatımı, gramer konuları, kelime ve dinleme çalışmaları mevcuttur. Bol pratik yaparak İngilizce öğrenirsiniz. 511 sayfadır. Kitap Video Ders desteklidir.

Essential English Grammar A1 - A2 Elementary Level E-Book: ENGLISH EXPLANATION

A1-A2 Elementary Level English subjects, grammar topics, vocabulary, and listening exercises are available. You will learn English by practicing a lot. It is 511 pages. This book is supported by video lessons.

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