Privacy Policy

MyECO – My English Classes Online - Privacy Policy

Under Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, website (thereafter it will be called MyECO) which is under the ownership and management of Candelas International Education and Consultancy Services Ltd. Co. / Candelas Uluslararası Eğitim ve Danışmanlık Hizmetleri Limited Co. (MERSİS NO: 0 2000 2346 0500 0131) adopted various privacy principles in order to protect your individual and institutional privacy and to ensure you benefit from the system and technological infrastructure at the highest level and for your personal information and data safety. These privacy statements are specified and declared by us for the purpose of collecting data and/or using data in the MyECO website and all its sub internet websites.

This document contains information regarding our privacy policy and practice and is brought to you so you will feel comfortable using our website and its services. It is presented for your benefit and describes how we collect and use information. Please read carefully the following statement in order to make sure you agree with our practices. By using and / or its web properties, you permit the usage of your Personal Information (as such term is defined below) as outlined below in our Privacy Policy and in the Terms of Use.

The name of My English Classes Online will be represented as MyECO in all law-related documents. Besides this;

** Notice! - By becoming a member of MyECO, you will have approved that we will send you messages and e-mails. You will also approve and accept that you have read and understood our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Refund Policy. **

Collection of Information

MyECO highly respects your privacy and takes special measures to insure that any personal information collected by us is used solely in accordance with our privacy policy. It is important for us that you understand both what kind of information is collected and how it is used by us.

As part of the services granted by this website for which you signed up and which you are using, people using may leave their private details on our registration form. We will not share this information with any non-affiliated third parties unless you specify otherwise.

MyECO may carry out changes to the site at any time without prior notification with the aim of providing the best possible service.

Type of Information Collected

At the outset of joining the services provided in this website, you may be prompted to provide certain contact information, in order for us to be able to identify and/or contact you regarding our services and/or products. Such prompted information may include any of your first and last name, mailing address, e-mail address, Instant Messenger ID, and certain location information such as city, state, and/or zip code, as well as other necessary contact related information ("Personal Information"). Kindly note that Personal Information may also include certain information which is not explicitly submitted by you, as we log your browser-type related information, IP address, requested URL, referring URL, and timestamp.

Use of Personal Information and the content

MyECO will not sell, provide, rent, trade, or otherwise share your Personal Information with or to third parties for their promotional use, except from MyECO's business partners. Please note however that we may use your email address to send you updates or news regarding our activities, but you may choose not to receive emails of this type by clicking on the "Remove me from mailing list" button located on the bottom of our emails.

Please be further advised that certain browser-type related information, IP address, requested URL, referring URL, and timestamp data may be used by us to diagnose our service, monitor our servers and make sure we provide you with the highest quality of service. In addition, we may use this information to perform statistical analyses of the behavior and characteristics of people using the service in order to measure interest in and use of the various areas of the site and to inform advertisers of such information as well as the number of people that have been exposed to or clicked on, their advertising banners, who, in turn, may also serve content and/or advertisements and collect information directly from you.

MyECO, in its social part, does not guarantee that the content provided to visitors and members is completely true. Our members are responsible for the content they produce and share themselves; our social site accepts no responsibility under article 5 of law 5651 for content produced and shared by members and visitors. The legal responsibility of MyECO is limited to checking and removing within its technical capability content that is considered to break laws number 5651 and 5846 upon appropriate notification.

MyECO, besides being an educational web site selling educational products, is also a social network based on the principles of social sharing between people. In case content created by our members (video, educational, coding, design, writing, pictures, news, sound files etc.) is plagiarized by others with or without attribution, enforcing this copyright is the responsibility of those members.

If you become a member on MyECO page, you will automatically agree to the Privacy Policy.

If you are a member of the MyECO website, A profile page of yours will be automatically created with the information you have entered. You should check your profile page.

Please remember ! - Search Pages like GOOGLE can index your profile page and show your profile on their own pages. In this case, again, you can change your profile privacy settings by yourself only. You cannot expect MyECO make such changes on your behalf.

You can change or delete the privacy settings of the information contained in your profile page. Your profile page is solely at your own risk.

The MyECO management cannot check all the data and content of users. However, in the case that MYECO becomes aware of that our services are being used by user(s), 3rd parties or institutions for breaking the laws of the Turkish Republic or international treaties; breaking copyright laws; sending content containing pornography, libel, swearing, hate speech or bullying; spamming/mass-messaging in a way that upsets individuals or the community; words, pictures or video that harass or threaten individuals or groups; sending a virus or any type of hardware, software or computer code designed to inhibit the functioning of the website in any way, the MyECO management reserves the right to immediately cease service, remove the content from the website and cancel the offender's membership. In the case that a criminal or administrative court sends a warrant for it, MyECO will be required to share illegal content and the registration information of those sharing this content, and it will share this information.

Each user / member / visitor accepts primary responsibility for content they produce or share, and according to law 5651, is responsible to the content provider (that is, MyECO) for every way in which this content is provided in the internet environment. In addition, the content provider is not responsible for content belonging to others it has allowed to connect. The user will be held responsible in the case that he intentionally violates these rules.

MyECO takes no responsibility for any links or redirection found on the site. As MyECO does not control the content of links or redirections, it cannot give any guarantee of the truth of external content, nor that the redirected address is free of viruses, trojans, phishing or similar harmful components, nor that does the redirected address conform to the rules of the site.

The user is considered to have given permission for use and license for use in every way the content they have created and entered themselves using the MyECO site and its services. The aforementioned permission and licenses comprise of the rights to use, publish, copy, alter, fix, adapt, store, compile and handle and similar rights for content shared and reproduced by users.

The information that can be requested from users by the periodic or aperiodic questionnaires which is held by MyECO can also be used by MyECO and its collaborator individuals or institutions on the purpose of doing direct marketing to these users, making statistical analysis and forming a special database.

Security of Information

As we are committed to protecting the security of your Personal Information MyECO uses various security technologies and means in order to help protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. However, because of the developing technology, technical problems and some other reasons, it is likely for your computer to get viruses and Trojan malware infection. As a precaution, we recommend that you should use antivirus programs and similar applications. We are also not responsible for any harm including software or hardware problems arising from your visit to our site. Because of these reasons, you accept without questioning that you cannot demand anything from our site and the company it is related.

MyECO will do whatever it can to ensure seamless and problem-free operations. However, MyECO services may be affected by technical problems affecting internet service providers, problems in the systems of 3rd parties, through technical service or other compelling reasons. The MyECO management will take the necessary precautions against things which could affect the service, but however it accepts no responsibility for service problems or mistakes which it has no power to correct.

MyECO will do whatever it can to ensure seamless and problem-free operations. However, MyECO services may be affected by technical problems affecting internet service providers, problems in the systems of 3rd parties, through technical service or other compelling reasons. The MyECO management will take the necessary precautions against things which could affect the service, but however it accepts no responsibility for service problems or mistakes which it has no power to correct.


Upon your first visit to, a cookie is / maybe sent to your computer that uniquely identifies your browser. A "cookie" is a small file containing a string of characters that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. Cookies cause no harm to your computer or to your web browsing experience; on the contrary, we use cookies to improve the quality of our service and to better understand how people interact with us. Please also note that our advertisers may also place or recognize cookies on your browsers.

Although most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent, and you can also easily remove any cookie sent to you from our website.

Links to Other Websites

This website may contain links to third party websites. MyECO is not responsible for the privacy practices of these websites, nor will MyECO be liable for any content related claim arising from visiting such third party websites.

In order that MyECO can provide users with a more effective service, it may co-ordinate with 3rd party institutions. This co-ordination may take the form of advertising, sponsorship, sales, data sharing and other legal trade functions. MyECO guarantees that purchases by email will be notified according to law, that users/members will not receive communications or purchases they have not requested, and that users can leave the system in a costless and simple fashion.

Changes to Privacy Policy

MyECO may from time to time update this privacy policy and make addings. When we make these updates, the "last updated" date listed at the top of this policy will be changed accordingly. If a material change will be made in this statement, which affects your rights, MyECO will notify people using the service by placing a more prominent notice on our home page.

Privacy-Related Inquiries and Complaints

If you believe that MyECO has not complied with this privacy policy with respect to your Personal Information or if you have other related inquiries or concerns, please feel free to write us at

Governing Law

This privacy policy shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of TURKEY, without giving effect to its conflict of laws provisions, and any action arising from or related to this privacy policy and the use of our Web Site shall be brought only before the courts of ANKARA, TURKEY.

All the legal disputes which may occur between MyECO management and members will be solved in goodwill at first, or else parties agree that Turkish Courts and Enforcement offices are authorized. After the user becomes a registered member or enters the site and begins to use contents and services, it is accepted that the policy which is public and same for everyone is agreed by both parties. User or visitor cannot assert a claim that s/he isn't informed about the agreement or doesn't read it. If the policy is not agreed, user cannot use the site and its services.

The Declaration of Illegality (Opposition to Law)

MyECO; grounds on universal good assets, law and acts within the frame of an information society which is formed by freedom of expression. MyECO has accepted to protect and be respectful to the intellectual property rights with personal rights of the society, users, business partners and other third party personalities.

MyECO, is a social media and an educational Platform that the social part of its content is constructed by users / visitors, based on web 2.0 and web 2.5 technology. MYECO, is serving as a "hosting provider" in the case of the content generated by its members and users defined in the Law No. 5651 "on Regulating Broadcasting in the Internet and Fighting Against Crimes Committed through Internet Broadcasting"

MyECO, does not have any obligations to audit against illegality on the content generated by its users and members. MyECO's responsibility is limited, it can only analyze the illegalities that has been reported and delete the illegal content against the described law as long as it has the technical opportunities.

Therefore, MyECO primarily adopted the method of "WARN and DELETE" in the contents that are considered to be illegal and violating the rights of third party personalities.

The real persons and or the legal entities, public enterprises, neighbors, related right owners or employee associations which are claiming that some contents in MYECO are violating their personal rights and/or the intellectual property rights, must submit the below documents to the authorized information e-mail address of MyECO,

The URL address and the subject of the content that has been mentioned as a violation

1 ) if it is a real person; document showing his/her identity, if it is a legal entity; document of registration to the chamber, if it is an employee association; a request form with a topic and the signature of the authorized person.

2 ) if using the power of attorney; the letter of attorney

3 ) demand for industrial property rights in and relating documents showing that he/she is entitled

4 ) exposed name/ title and full address

The requests and complaints that have been sent to given e-mail address are going to be analyzed by the law service and if necessary the contents about the violation are going to be deleted from the system of MYECO and the acceptor of the content is going to be informed.


All rights reserved. © 2020


Last Update : 10.04.2020