Beginning to End English Reading Book Set

With the Start to Finish English Reading Reading Book Set, you will do a total of 150 reading and listening activities at A1-A2-B1-B1-B2-C1-C2 levels. With reading comprehension activities and speaking and writing activities, you will improve your four language skills in English.

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This book set is for the Turkish market only. If you reside outside of Turkey, please check our E-Books.

Our Reading Book Set contains 50 A1-A2 Elementary Level, 50 B1-B2 Intermediate Level, and 50 C1-C2 Advanced Level reading texts on the most up-to-date topics.

Text topics are topical, entertaining, and informative.

The strongest feature of the books is the quality of listening and writing activities.

Listen and Read features and writing activities improve your English skills.

The books contain more than 2100 target vocabulary words, and these words are taught through different activities.

Grammar topics are constantly repeated in the text, and the questions are reinforced.

With reading skills development techniques and exercises, both your vocabulary and reading comprehension capacity will increase.

You can get our book individually and do listening activities while reading. You can check yourself using the answer key.

Our books are fully compatible with the many national education curricula. They can be used as an additional activity book in public schools, 9-10-11-12th grade groups, and colleges in the classroom environment, accompanied by a teacher. It includes all the achievements determined by the curricula.

Our books are fully compatible with the Common European Framework of Reference, so they can also be used in University English Preparatory Schools and English language schools.